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To get your Off Grid Computer and Communication Kit, 
you must email me at with your phone number and I will call you. 

Email me and ask about the Christmas discount!!

The Next Evolution Of Computation And Communication Is Here!

Watch the NEW demo! 

Access your Computer and Communication Anytime, Anywhere with No Internet or Power Dependency

Become Self Reliant With In Your Computation And Communication!

*Uninterrupted Communication: Stay connected with others, even when traditional networks fail.

*Local Awareness: Be instantly informed about events and emergencies in your area.

*Repeater Monitoring: Access all open repeaters around you for enhanced communication range.

*Survival Knowledge: Gain access to survival guides for every possible scenario.

*Educational Entertainment: Dive into a vast collection of documentaries for both education and entertainment.

*Comprehensive Library: Explore over 1,000 books, manuals, and documents at your fingertips.

*Spiritual Solace: Keep your spirit strong with the complete Bible.

*Off-Grid Computing: Work or entertain yourself on a computer, even when the grid is down.

Experience freedom from dependency with this all-in-one kit, ensuring you're prepared, informed, and connected no matter what.

Ham Radio saved lives during the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

#1 Check out what is on The Off Grid Computer

#2 Take the time to watch the full demo and unboxing. Watch on TV or Desktop screen for best viewing!!! 

To get your kit you must email me at and include your phone # and I will personally give you a call. Also bulk orders I can do a slight discount.. Get your machine while shipping is still flowing. And please watch the full unboxing before emailing me as it will answer many questions you have, as well as give you understanding of the machine! 

** Limited Time $1,497**
(Shipping Included)

#3 Example of rapidly deploying the kit in a grid down scenario 

#3 New Addition to the Kit: AI + Global Communication Tools!
KEY #2 (USB Stick #2) features:
New Operating System: A fresh, independent OS.
Uncensored AI: Your personal, unrestricted AI assistant.

With KEY #2, you can:
Monitor Nationwide Communications easily with the latest Software Defined Radio tools
Dream Big: Become a solution to rebuild society, establish global connections, or tackle global issues. 
Countless Tools: Too many to list, but your AI knows them all.

Watch the demo for KEY #2 to see it in action!

Now included in the kit!

#5 NOW!! Protect your investment and ability to access a treasure trove of knowledge, and ability to communicate with this tested and approved EMP protection bag. Test video below NOW INCLUDED IN YOUR KIT!

To get your kit you must email me at and include your phone # and I will personally give you a call. Also bulk orders I can do a slight discount.. Get your machine while shipping is still flowing. And please watch the full unboxing before emailing me as it will answer many questions you have, as well as give you understanding of the machine! 

** Limited Time $1,497**
(Shipping Included)

#6 Peek into Key #2 (operating system #2) showing software that works off grid to monitor GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS. In this demo turns out I was listening to a radio station in Cuba all the way here in Missouri. 

Below is a photo of the computer plugged into a backup battery and a bigger screen. This is running what is called Software Defined Radio for nationwide monitoring. All on your off grid computer!

Kit with cable organizer and made in America EMP bag that works. Stay prepared for anything!

With this setup here I was able to hear California from Missouri, as well as I was able to listen to Cuban Radio which is 1,180 miles away.

To get your kit you must email me at and include your phone # and I will personally give you a call. Also bulk orders I can do a slight discount.. Get your machine while shipping is still flowing. And please watch the full unboxing before emailing me as it will answer many questions you have, as well as give you understanding of the machine! 

** Limited Time $1,497**
(Shipping Included)


And why everyone should have this kit..

1) This machine doesn’t run on Apple or Microsoft and you don’t have to agree to any terms of service.

2) You don’t need to install updates.

3) There are around 40 applications installed directly onto the device.

4) This device can’t be hacked as it is not connected to Bluetooth or WiFi. 

5) The Off Grid Computer doesn’t send your keystrokes and data to data mining companies, it actually can’t.

6) Uses very low power and for a grid down scenario this is ideal. You can run with minimal power on a small battery bank.

7) This computer comes installed with more than 1,000 books, military manuals, survival books, documents, homesteading books, documentaries, and 100’s of other skills. From trade skills of that of the electrician to the work of a mechanic. Books on preserving food, foraging, homesteading, firearm training, hand to hand combat training, building shelters, trapping, and so so so much more.  

8) You can also do all your office work with the office suite called “Libre Office.” This office suite is comparable to Microsoft Office, and Google Suite like Docs, Sheets, Etc. Many say Libre Office is much better. I have been using it for years and my wife used it for most of her law school.

9) You can transfer your videos, documents, photos, and files from your previous computer to this computer via a USB stick. I recommend getting your precious family memories out of the cloud while you can. If Windows, Apple, or Google servers get compromised their “cloud” with all the data is gone with the wind.

10) The operating system use is much more user friendly than Windows and Apple. Very easy to use. Anyone can use it.

11) If global cyber attacks happen this computer will not be effected as it is meant for doing work locally on the device, not needing connection to the internet. Most computers will not be able to do anything if the internet goes down, many won’t be able to even login to their devices. Remember the blue screen of death that happened to millions of users during the Crowd-strike outage. Many computers drives were encrypted. Something a person without training cannot fix.

12) This computer even contains multiple 3D printing apps, for those of you who realize the value of being able to 3D print parts in a grid down scenario. There are many cool files you can get to print many cool things.

13) The Off Grid Computer contains the King James Bible (printable version), Greek Concordance of the New Testament, and the Interlinear Bible. Also thousands of pages of Hymnals, and many other Bible teachings and printable discipleship tools and videos you can watch. I also put the audio version of my book “Born Again As Kings – the end of satan and the beginning of God’s Kings.”

14) As many printer drivers as I could find are already installed, This means you can plug in about any HP printer and it will work, as well as many other printers.

15) Calculator, converters, and many other tools people love and make life easier are on this machine.

16) This machine has the unique ability that I don’t think any other system on earth has. This computer has the ability to program HUNDREDS OF RADIOS with Ham Radio repeaters, GMRS channels, and FRS channels. Keeping you in the loop if communications go down.

17) All of the open repeaters in the USA, Canada, and Mexico are already installed in the computer. Every state in the USA are already in a file ready for you. Pick your state and upload to your radio, very simple. After you upload your state to your radio this allows you to scan through different channels like you would on a Television. Meaning you can monitor what is happening in the USA if the cell towers and power went out. You will not be left in the dark wondering what is happening in the country. 

18) The radios that come with the kit have the unique ability to utilize FM (regular radio we love in our cars), GMRS (super-powered walkie talkie) channels, Ham Radio frequencies, and FRS (regular walkie talkie) channels. Most radios can only do one of these things. These radios happen to be um “liberated from their bondage.”

19) These radios have the ability to use as a walkie talkie, and even connect with regular walkie talkies like people would have from Walmart or Bass Pro for camping which is called (FRS – family radio service). Or use (GMRS – General Mobile Radio Service) in a grid down scenario as a walkie talkie that can reach more than 50 miles.

20) Included in the machine I decided to put all of the USA State Constitutions. These are included because civilization has been developing for thousands of years upon many of the keys contained in these documents. We should not loose these. We also have the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. 

21) There are around 500,000 pages of knowledge on this machine that needs to be preserved.

22) To run the machine you just plug in your screen, keyboard, and mouse. No need to create an account, give your fingerprints, connect to the internet to be tracked. The computer works right out of the box and is tested.

23) When you purchase the machine the Ham Radio Repeaters within a 50 mile radius of your house come preinstalled. Just literally turn your radio on, then push scan to scan the channels. Or you can use the up / down arrows to monitor the region.

24) Included in the kit is one of the top rated radio programming cables for programming hundreds of different radios. If the power goes out all of the people with radios they don’t know how to use, you can bring to life in a matter of a few clicks. Then others will have comms. Everyone knows how to connect with each other and track what is happening in the Nation.

25) One big benefit is the fact that there is already a huge network of Ham Radio operators with off grid repeaters. I am just helping people get into this network without having to learn 100’s of hours of classes, but rather we just flash the repeaters to the radio and make the radios work!!! 
26) You can program around 120 channels to your radio and a matter of minutes, which otherwise would take literal days to do manually.

27) Repeaters from every state in the USA are already installed on the computer. So if you are on the move from Arkansas to say Oklahoma, open your computer, select “upload to radio” and click the Oklahoma file. Boom now you can monitor everything happening in that region. Also to note many repeaters are connected half way across the nation. This is important in case of invasion to have situational awareness.

28) You don’t have to worry about being locked out of your computer. Because you own it, you don’t have to log in to their systems.

29) With your order you receive a backup thumb drive. If your drive ever gets corrupted just plug in your backup and you have your computer back.

30) Comes with a highly rated waterproof bag. This bag is to keep moisture off of your electronics. You can keep other things that need to be dry in the pack as well like a change of clothes, or other electronics and batteries. Maybe some ammo.

31) This is not only an off grid computer and communication kit, but a command center. Imagine having hundreds of military manuals at your finger tips – neatly organized in your 6.2 lb bag. You can program and bring to life about any other portable ham radio you come across. MANY MANY MANY people have bought Ham radios because they know it is the solution, but they don’t know how to use them. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD REPEATERS AND WALKIE-TALKIE CHANNELS INTO THEIR RADIOS FOR THEM. You could also activate your whole neighborhood to have communications. Great for neighborhood watch.

32) Great for talking with family if the grid goes down and you need to go out for some reason like hunting, fishing, look for wood, etc. With GMRS frequencies you can communicate around 50 miles, even more if you learn how to set up a repeater (teachings in the machine). For 50 miles you need decent line of sight. You set a time that you will both go to a high point, and then can make contact.

33) I think this communication solution better than what most military carries on the battlefield. Why? Well their kits can weigh up to 80 lbs sometimes more depending on the mission. They have to manually plug in frequencies which can take much precious time. Not to mention this little device is fast and has over 100 military manuals. I also recommend reading them they are GOLD!

34) For the techy people out there I have a folder on the machine for you. If the grid goes down, many windows computers will be trash. Guess what. You can bring those back to life because I have operating systems installed on the Off Grid Computer, and you can flash back to life other computers. I won’t explain it all here, but if grid goes down just grab a video gamer and say “hey there is a folder on this computer that is supposed to bring computers back to life.” They will know what to do.

35) Trusting in Sat Phones I think is a grave error. If power is out how will you pay your monthly bill for minutes. Plus how many people will you be able to talk to? They also rely on ground bases to run their operations. In the case of Ham Radio it will continue to run as your device is the transmitter and receiver. 

36) Most peoples technology and communication methods have dominion over their lives. HOWEVER.. When you have the Off Grid Computer and Communications Kit you take dominion over your technology. You own your computer. You also take dominion over your communications and over the airwaves. You will be able to stay in the loop and not easily get caught off guard.

36) If cell phones go out and power goes out, you will feel blessed to know you can communicate with loved ones, complete missions, learn from the HUGE LIBRARY, and help to rebuild, renew, and restore our Country back to life.

37) Machine is enclosed in a decently thick aluminum case which I picked to be more resilient against electromagnetic warfare. The drive is also thick aluminum. 

38) I HAVE YET TO COVER THE BENEFITS OF OFF GRID AI AND HOW IT CAN BE USED FOR GOOD. WATCH THE VIDEO ON KEY #2 ABOVE. It is imperative to understand. People perish for lack of knowledge. Learn this! You can learn all this, and even if grid goes down, the AI assistant can teach you. The only limit is your imagination. ASK AI HOW TO CAN FOOD, HOW TO RAISE SHEEP, HOW MANY CHICKENS DO YOU NEED TO FEED A FAMILY OF 5. I mean all this off grid. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOS ABOVE.

Jesus Is Lord. The will of Heaven is invading earth. Don't despair. Trust God he will fight with us and for us. 

To get your kit email me at and include your phone # and I will personally give you a call. Also bulk orders I can do a slight discount.. Get your machine while shipping is still flowing. And please watch the full unboxing before emailing me as it will answer many questions you have, as well as give you understanding of the machine! 

** Limited Time $1,497**
(Shipping Included)

Kingdom Business Lifestyle
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